[0:00] one. Boy, that is the question, isn't it? Thankfully, Kay Campbell was somebody's one. Thankfully, you were somebody's one. And so I want to encourage you today to think through who is your one. I want to share a quote with you before we jump into our recap of the last couple of weeks. And this is by one of the greatest preachers and ministers that God has used on our planet, Billy Graham. He said, our faith becomes stronger as we express it. A growing faith is a sharing faith. Our faith becomes stronger as we express it. Can we say these last words together?
[0:44] A growing faith is a sharing faith. Is your faith growing? And by that I'm asking, are you sharing it? Are you sharing it? Are we sharing it individually and as a church?
[1:04] This is our last Sunday in this series called Who's Your One? That first sermon came from the man you saw in the video just a moment ago, J.D. Greer, pastor of Summit Church in Raleigh, Durham, North Carolina. God used him powerfully through that sermon series in his church to start a movement that spread throughout their church and even around this nation as the North American Mission Board picked it up as an evangelism campaign to roll out to churches. And so we're looking at it now and asking ourselves the same question so many have asked, who's your one? You heard the sermon last Sunday that a member of his staff preached in that series to their church, kind of tailored a little bit for our church. But the question remains the same week after week, who's your one? A few weeks ago, we looked at this verse, Matthew chapter 6 and verse 10. Your kingdom come, God. Your will be done. Part of the Lord's prayer, that model prayer that Jesus was teaching to his disciples. This is how you ought to pray. God, your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So we kind of drew this conclusion. Let's say it together, can we? His will be done. So who's your one? One more time. His will be done. So who's your one? And that is the question that I believe God has for our church in this moment.
[2:35] If we want his will done on earth, then who's the one that he's going to send us to right now? Our takeaway that week was, what is your next step? Let's get practical with it. Jesus's invitation first was come and see. Come and see the great things that I'm going to do. I'm going to heal the blind. I'm going to heal all manner of sicknesses and diseases. I'm going to provide food for thousands.
[3:01] But more than that, I came to seek and to save the lost. I'm going to provide a spiritual answer. The gospel of Jesus himself to those who needed to hear it. Bring light to that darkness. He said, come and see. Walk with me as we do this. And then he said, come and die. Well, that's the hard message, isn't it? That's the hard invitation. We don't think of Jesus saying, come and die. But over and over again, he required his disciples to turn from what they do. Die to their own passions. Die to their own pleasures. Die to their own lusts. Die to their own designs and plans and embrace his for their lives.
[3:42] And he took them to levels that they never dreamed of. He took them to accomplishments that these ordinary fishermen who hadn't made the cut could have never imagined for themselves. But he said, you got to die to your way and embrace the Jesus way. And the Jesus way leads us to this final invitation, which is go and tell. Jesus gave us this commission in Matthew 28, in Mark 16, all throughout the gospel records. We see these men who walked with Jesus writing down his words that say, go into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them, teaching them to observe all the things that I've commanded you. Go and tell my message. Go and tell my truth. And that's what we're all called to do.
[4:39] So what's your stage? Does God want to move you from come and see to come and die? Does he want to move you from come and die to go and tell? Where are you lacking? That was our invitation a couple of weeks ago.
[4:52] And then we moved on to last Sunday. And our takeaway there was, do you have a burden? So we looked at these men who literally tore a roof apart to get their friend to Jesus so Jesus could heal him.
[5:09] So this guy's got a problem that only Jesus can fix. So do you have a burden? Is there someone in your life who's your life? Who's your one that needs to hear about Jesus? And is it time to dig a hole in the roof? In other words, are there, are there obstacles that you've got to get through? But because your burden is so great for their salvation, you're going to do whatever it takes to get that person to Jesus. Who's your one? And then Jesus said, we're going to be fishers of men. We close with that story. Kind of putting the microscope on ourselves, wouldn't it? Talking about this fishing company that would do everything in the world except fish. And they talked all about it. They knew all about it.
[6:03] They told others to do it, but they never actually did it themselves. So our challenge at the end of last Sunday was actually go out and fish. Jesus said, you're not going to fish for fish anymore.
[6:15] Now when you walk with me, you're going to fish for people. So how many of us are actually fishing for people like Jesus commanded us to do? So that brings us to today. And today we're going to look at Luke chapter 15. If you would take the word of God with me and turn to Luke chapter 15. Matthew, Mark, Mark, Luke. It's in the New Testament. Luke chapter 15. We'll read from verse 1 down through verse 10. We're talking about the value of one. While you're turning there, are you aware that the value of the dollar has dropped a little bit? Why are y'all laughing? You're aware? In 1913, one dollar was worth about $26 today. Isn't that crazy?
[7:13] You have one dollar back in 1913. It's about like having $26 today. You can do a lot with $26, can't you? You can go get a nice meal at a restaurant for one person. Not too nice.
[7:34] And you better not order dessert. Listen, we know the value of the dollar has dropped significantly. There are many in your lifetime. You have seen this play out. I remember when I was little and I was looking at, we had these, we were living in Oklahoma City at the time and we had these gas wars happening and gas got down to like 97 cents a gallon. Some of you are like, yeah, I know when it was cheaper than that. But man, I couldn't believe that. Could you imagine today if our gas stations here in town all of a sudden put up 97 cents a gallon? They'd run out of gas in five minutes.
[8:19] Things change, don't they? Values change. Inflation happens. Anybody ever remember a museum for kids called Free Enterprise USA? It was in Oklahoma City many years ago. It's been closed for a long time.
[8:36] I didn't know if by chance any of you had ended up there when you were younger. My parents took me and my brother there and it was this museum that was really dedicated to teaching kids all about inflation, all about economics and the free enterprise system and all that.
[8:55] And it was really hands-on. They worked in cartoon figures and you got to do things and invest in the stock market and all this kind of stuff. And I guess I was nerdy into that stuff. So I really liked it.
[9:07] But I learned, they showed this kind of kid-oriented video about inflation and how much the value of the dollar has dropped over the years. And I remember panicking a little bit when I was about 10 years old thinking, oh man, we got to stop this. Somehow, some way, we got to go back to using gold for everything.
[9:29] And I didn't realize how unlikely that seems to be in our world. But isn't it interesting that as our paper money diminishes in value, one thing that will never change is the value of a soul, the value of a human being.
[9:57] The value of my car dropped significantly the moment I drove it off the lot. The value of your home may rise or fall, but the thing that never changes is the value of one.
[10:18] So let's read about that. Luke chapter 15 and verse 1. And all the tax collectors and the sinners were approaching Jesus to listen to him. The Pharisees and the scribes were complaining, this man welcomes sinners and eats with them.
[10:33] How dare he? This rabbi with shmeha, remember that from a couple weeks ago? That crazy Hebrew word that's so much fun to say, let's all say it. Ready?
[10:44] Shmeha. Shmeha. Very well. Yes, that was good. Satisfying, isn't it? It means authority. It means you are the cream of the crop. You've reached the highest level.
[10:55] You can introduce new biblical truth to people. People need to shut up and listen when you're talking. I'd like to think I have shmeha, but I know better.
[11:05] All right. Luke chapter 15. They're listening to him and he's up there teaching. And they can't believe that this great rabbi that people from everywhere are talking about and following is welcoming and eating with sinners.
[11:26] Can't believe he would associate with those wicked people. So Jesus tells them a story. Tells them this parable. And he says, What man among you who has a hundred sheep and loses one of them does not leave the ninety-nine in the open field?
[11:44] You realize he's not talking to the Pharisees here. They're not out there tending sheep. He's making a point in front of them. But he's talking to the common people.
[11:59] They hear this murmuring among the Pharisees. They hear this undercurrent of discontent, disapproval from these religious leaders. So he says, Which one of you?
[12:12] You had a hundred sheep. You lose one. You're not going to leave the ninety-nine and you're going to go chase the one that's lost until you find it. And when he has found it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders.
[12:23] And coming home, he calls his friends and his neighbors together and says, Rejoice with me because I've found my lost sheep. I tell you, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don't need repentance.
[12:47] Continue on, verse eight. What woman has ten silver coins and if she loses one coin, she doesn't light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?
[13:04] Of course she would. One silver coin? That was worth a lot of money. Back in 1913, if you lost one dollar, I bet you'd go looking for it, wouldn't you?
[13:17] When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together saying, Rejoice with me. I've found the silver coin I lost.
[13:30] She had nine others. They didn't go astray. They stayed there. But she went and chased down the one that was lost. And I tell you, verse 10, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents.
[13:48] If you think about it, the most significant number in God's kingdom is one. Now, I want more than one person in this church.
[14:05] I want to see this church filled until we've got to bring in extra chairs. We saw it last Easter Sunday. I pray God lets us see it again. I want the building and grounds committee have to figure out how we can expand the sanctuary and fit more people in.
[14:25] Because that means that so many lost ones were found. the most significant number in God's kingdom is one.
[14:38] Jesus was the one sacrifice for all of us. He died, the Bible says, once for all. It only took one. One time.
[14:50] That's why you don't need to get saved or put your faith in Jesus again after you've done it. Because you have then become God's child. You don't have to go get baptized again.
[15:01] If you made a genuine conversion decision to place your faith in Jesus and then you went public and were baptized into a local body of believers, you don't have to go do that again because one time was enough.
[15:16] One sacrifice by Jesus Christ was enough for past, present, and future. Do you realize that you and I were dead in our sins? We had no choice but to go to hell and pay this horrible payment for all the wrong that we have done.
[15:31] The sin that we were born into. Nobody had to teach us how to lie, cheat, and steal. We just knew it and we did it from the time that we were birthed. I hate to tell you those sweet, precious babies that we prayed over today, they're sinners.
[15:49] And you were too and so am I. God says there's a place of punishment reserved for Satan and all those who have sided with him and all those in his kingdom and God wants to rescue us from the kingdom of darkness and bring us into his kingdom and so that's why he came.
[16:10] That's why he was born and that's why he hung on that cross and that's why he willingly allowed himself to be killed and that's why he proved that he was God when he didn't let death defeat him and he rose up from the grave.
[16:22] Easter Sunday is coming pretty quick, isn't it? We're all going to be focused on that Jesus final victory over death, his resurrection. Reality, we should be focused on that every day.
[16:35] That's what gives us life. That's what gives us a chance. That's what gives us something to put our hope in, to build our family on, put our faith in.
[16:46] He's different. He came back to life. So that one time was enough for all of us. The most significant number in God's kingdom is one.
[16:59] All it takes is one man. By one man, sin passed on to the whole world. That was Adam.
[17:10] That original sin back in the Garden of Eden. And just like that, by one man, Jesus Christ, a way of escape was provided.
[17:21] a way to reconciliation with God, restore that broken relationship with God. So the most significant number in God's kingdom is one.
[17:35] Isn't that interesting? See these churches using all kinds of tactics to get thousands in? one. But really, God cares about one.
[17:48] If we ever become a church that values big numbers over the value of one, we've missed our mission. We've missed our calling. So I want to challenge you.
[18:03] God's mission for this church is this. each one reach one. Each one reach one.
[18:14] Would you take me up to the next slide there? For some reason, this thing quit working on me. I'm going to turn it off and turn it back on.
[18:29] Each one reach one. Should be, if you click the space bar, it'll go, or one of the arrows. Sorry about that, y'all. The devil doesn't like what we're talking about here today.
[18:42] Each one of us can reach one. And we must. Each one of us has the ability to reach one. See, I can't be a Billy Graham, okay?
[18:55] I can't go out there and hold big crusades and have thousands of people turn to faith in Jesus. Well, you might be able to do more than you think you can do with God's power.
[19:05] However, I know that you can reach one. And there is one right now, thank you, there is one right now that God has in your life that he wants to place on your heart and give you that burden for like those men who tore through the roof.
[19:21] There's one that God wants to place this insatiable burden for their salvation. And they need you to care.
[19:32] they need you. They may not even know it yet, but they need you to care enough to share Jesus with them. So what are we supposed to do?
[19:43] Well, there's two things. One, pray. Pray. I lied. There's three things. The first one is pray. We must pray. We talked about a little bit in our starting point class this morning.
[19:56] How often do you and I pray for the lost? We'll pray about any number of other things and that's good. We should bring our needs and our requests and the burdens on our heart to the Lord.
[20:07] The Father cares. He cares about the little bird that falls out of its nest. He cares about you. He cares about your daily food. He cares about your daily needs. He cares about your health and he has the power to heal.
[20:19] But you know what should be one of the chief burdens on your heart? The lost around you. your lost cousin, your lost daughter, your lost grandson, your lost neighbor, your lost co-worker, your lost friend at school.
[20:36] Are you praying for their salvation? You know what the scary thing is about praying for someone's salvation? God might use you to do this next thing. Invite them.
[20:48] God might then take it up to the next level and say okay you've been praying now you're the vessel I want to use. You're the one I want to use to go have a conversation.
[21:01] Again you don't have to be an expert in theology to share what Jesus has done in your life. But that begs the question doesn't it? Has Jesus done anything in your life? Do you have anything to share?
[21:15] Do you have a testimony of his goodness? Do you have a clear moment when you turned from sin and turned to the savior? savior? And can you share that with someone else?
[21:28] Say well I'm shy. Well maybe God will give that person a pass on paying for their sins with an eternity in hell because you were shy. Or maybe God can help you.
[21:40] Maybe God knows exactly how shy you are because he created you. Maybe he gave you that personality. But maybe he can help you overcome whatever obstacles are in your way and dig through a roof to get to that person.
[21:56] So can you at least invite them? Invite them to church. Invite them. Hey let's not even get there first. Invite them to your home. Invite them over.
[22:07] If they're a neighbor say you know we need to we've been living together well living together we've been living next to each other for how long now? I hope that you're sharing the gospel with the people that you're living together with.
[22:21] That would be great. If you're not please do it. But first invite them to your home. Say come over for dessert. If you don't make desserts there's a lot of people in this church that do.
[22:33] Go ask them to make you a dessert so you can share the gospel with your neighbor. I bet they'll do it. I know my wife will. Invite them to your home. If that's out of their comfort zone invite them out to a restaurant.
[22:47] We got a church.
[23:20] This is where they will hear the gospel preached. They will meet all kinds of people. Some of them they may know already who could help build a bridge to that person and let them know we love you.
[23:32] Jesus loves you. We want you to put your faith in him like we have because he can make all the difference. and then maybe you invite them to your d-group.
[23:46] Maybe you invite them to your Sunday school class. Not a bad idea. Sometimes those get into things that might be a little bit over their head if they're not a lifelong church person.
[24:00] Might be a little intimidating. But you know your class and if that's a good opportunity to invite someone who's not already a Jesus follower into that class then do it.
[24:10] Maybe they can meet some people there. That's what d-groups are designed for. So if you're not in a d-group get in a d-group. We got the candidates going on. We got Wade's on Monday night.
[24:22] David Sizemore starting one. We got opportunities to meet in homes, meet in places outside of Sunday, outside of Wednesday night, and get in a community of believers, encourage one another, sharpen each other, and sometimes that's a less intimidating place.
[24:39] To invite somebody who's not used to coming to church, isn't a follower of Jesus, but they might come to somebody's house, eat something, and enjoy some fellowship, and they'll hear about the Savior there.
[24:55] So what can you invite somebody to today, tomorrow? Who can you go home and say, come over to my house for dinner?
[25:06] here. Let's figure out a date. Here's the three times I'm at the available, can you do any of these? Let's nail it down. And then number three, we share.
[25:18] Praying is where we must start, but it's not enough. Inviting is usually the next step, but it's not enough. We must share the gospel.
[25:31] We must share the good news. Praying for someone moves the hand of God, but do you know what the hand of God then moves? His people. Praying moves the hand of God, and then God moves his people.
[25:45] So his people must put feet to their prayers, and God must use them to get his good news out. That's how he set it up.
[25:57] That was his method. So, we must share. If you don't know how to share the gospel, think through how you were saved.
[26:09] Maybe it was recently, maybe it was a long time ago. But if you've been in church for any length of time, especially this one, you've heard the gospel preached many, many times.
[26:21] That is the story of Jesus and our salvation. That's what saves them. They must know they're sinners, just like all of us are. They must know that Jesus died for their sin out of his love for us.
[26:36] They must know that he proved he was God by God raising him from the dead. And then they must know that the only way of salvation is placing their faith in him for the forgiveness of their sins.
[26:51] And then they can become God's child. Once for all. Once forever. So we've got to share it. one of the best ways to share it is telling your own testimony.
[27:05] So you know I was raised in church and when I got old enough to understand a Sunday school teacher or my mom or whoever it was shared this with me.
[27:16] And I was old enough to understand that I've got to put my faith in Jesus. And I want to share that with you. And this is what God has shown me over the years. I said it a few weeks ago.
[27:28] Your story is somebody that nobody can argue with. Your story is something that nobody can argue with. Your story is unique to you. They can argue until they're blue in the face about something they read in the Bible or something they heard at church.
[27:42] But they can't argue with what you have experienced where God has brought you. And you can use that with scripture. If you're only telling your experience that's not going to get them anywhere good.
[27:56] But if you share the word of God with them at least give them John 3 16. Okay? Can we all say John 3 16? Let's try it. Ready? For God so loved the world that he gave his only, his one and only son, only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal or everlasting life.
[28:20] We got that one most of us. If you don't commit that one to memory alright? Pull out your little Bible app on your phone or grab your paper Bible and look at it and read John 3 16 until you know it backwards and forwards upside down.
[28:38] John 3 16 has the whole gospel in it. There's many many other verses you could share to help lead somebody to Jesus but at least get the gospel in.
[28:50] Share your testimony. Share this quote with you. One of the greatest evangelism professors I ever heard in my seminary training was this. If a man hears the gospel and receives it God's responsible.
[29:04] It's true isn't it? We can't take credit for that. When you heard the gospel and you received it God was responsible for that. He made that happen. If he hears it and rejects it he's responsible for that.
[29:19] He rejected he had an opportunity and he didn't he didn't accept it. He rejected. God knew he would reject it. Still allowed him to have this time on this earth but he rejected.
[29:36] He's responsible but if he never hears that's on us because our job is to get the gospel out. I don't exactly understand how that works.
[29:47] God could just plop a Bible in front of everybody on earth and have it fall open to John 3 16 and make sure they hear. He could do that if he wanted to.
[30:00] But instead he chose to tell us to go do it. And in some way even though God's in charge of all this and he knows and all his children are going to come into the kingdom it still depends on us going and getting it out.
[30:16] So you can't just sit back and say well I don't have to do anything because God's responsible for it all so he'll sort it out. He'll sort the sheep from the wolves you know. Thank God I'm a sheep.
[30:31] Nope that's not what he said. He said you're responsible to take this good news out so go do it. Go and tell.
[30:43] So our takeaway today is this praying inviting and sharing.
[30:54] You know what happens if all God's people win one we win the world and I'm convinced that Jesus isn't going to come back until every corner of this earth has had a chance to hear the gospel.
[31:13] So it's our job to get it out. Win one win the world. What do you need to do? Are you already praying for the lost?
[31:25] Do you need to take the next step and invite them? Have you already invited them but you've never actually shared the gospel? Where do you need to go? What step do you need to take? Pray invite share.
[31:38] Would you bow with me right now? God give every man woman and young person in this room one. Give them one right now.
[31:53] Give them a face that is burned into their brain and they can't get it out of their mind.! If y'all will hold on we've got a couple we've got one more thing to do hey if you guys will tell them to come back in for just a second we've got one more thing to do before we leave God I don't want to miss I don't want our church to miss this we've got a very very special opportunity here to see you save hundreds through the group of people in this room you want to do it the only question is will we go and tell so give us that one burn that face in our brain burn it in our mind's eye and let everyone see the path forward the next step with that one pray for them invite them share you with them and it's in
[32:56] Jesus name we pray amen